What’s the password?

In line with keeping some magical things magical, and Sacred, not everyone can access all the spells, incantations or meditations. These magical moments are channelled, and we want to keep them exclusive to genuine Seekers, Lightbringers and Practicioners.

How to get your key?

Leave your request in the comments, and we will PM you the key. Please be respectful and don’t pass it around.

Kindest regards

Your AQ Green Fairy

What’s the password?

Of subtle signs and Tarot Cards

I drew 2 cards for a friend who has been receiving subtle messages from her guiding deity in form of animals. She asked for inspiration and a bit of guidance, so Friend, here it is:

The two cards are:

Knight of Swords;

Ace of Pentacles.

Knight of Swords

Image by azboomer from Pixabay

The deck I use most is the Mary Hanson-Roberts Tarot deck. I believe this makes a difference, because just as the Artist added her subtle interpretations and meanings into the cards by image and word, also the way I read the cards goes beyond conventional Tarot interpretations and into listening to subtle cues that relate to experiences the Questioner is having.

Knight of Swords charges into a situation without much discernment, and gets away with it. (The inverse speaks of a man who falls in love at first sight and therefore can make poor choices.) This is interesting as I associate the sword with judgment and intellect, the ability to make clear and sometimes harsh decisions.

Friend, here is what I read from this card for you.

While I can’t be sure whether the knight is yourself, it seems unlikely for one reason: He has wings. This knight is actually an angel guide, and the way he holds up the sword to you, with the light reflecting a criss-cross off it, is a call for you to do something. Take action. Go rush in, and seeing that the light actually crosses in front of the sword, the other message I get is to let your decisions be 100% guided by the Light, not by your own intellect. It’s an action card, and one that calls to pretty immediate action. It’s funny how this works because I’ve been using this deck for years and never saw the angel wings on this knight’s shoulders before.

My Friend, the angels are still leading and defending you, as long as you stay focused on the guidance of the Light.

The other card I drew for you (one that almost got away) is the Ace of Pentacles.

Ace of Pentacles

Image by tomekwalecki from Pixabay

The Ace of Pentacles is of course the Ace of Diamonds.

In the Mary Hanson deck, it is shown as a single Pentacle coin embedded in lilies, behind a background of luminous golden clouds and pink sky, as you’d see after a storm at sunset.

I know, Friend, that for you it’s just been Stormy Season. Not fun. But the storm has passed, the clouds are golden, the little lilies are opening their pretty faces again (they do look like a wild, smaller variety of lily, like perhaps some of the countless species flowering here by the wayside). Aces usually denote new beginnings; and the Ace of Coins in particular is the master money card. Great money is on its way to you. The conventional explanation speaks of a career boost or change or similar. This is not sacrificial money that came because of someone passing; it is new, earned, deserved money that you truly own, that was generated by you with your own vivacious energy. So Friend, get ready to receive!

This reading comes in January still; so I hope it sets a good start for the year ahead.


~ AQ ~

Double Vision

Thought for the day.

Terry Pratchett called it “First Sight”.

Most people, when they meet someone new, see that person as the person is today.  When they get to know the person a bit better they start understanding why that person became the way she is.  Only people who care enough to make the effort to understand, ever get this far.

But there is another level of “seeing”.  Visionary people look at a person and see what she could potentially become.  They look at a piece of land and see a beautiful house that will be built.  They look at a garbage dump and see the meadow overgrowing it, 100 years in the future.

Terry Pratchett’s Nanny Ogg has this “First Sight”.  She looks at the newest addition to the family in its glorious babyness and sees the man or woman the baby will one day be.

There is a hitch to this gift though.

A Visionary cannot stop herself from seeing the future.  And so, Cassandra took one look at what Paris had done (stolen Menelaos’ wife) and foresaw the war the king would visit on Troy.  It’s seeing that coffee mug standing at the very edge of the table, knowing it will be knocked down.

So, isn’t it our duty to intervene?

Ace of Cups

 Hanson Roberts - Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups

What an apt card for Christmas…

The Ace of Cups:  Overflowing with emotion, abundance, family, new beginnings.

A time for a new start.

Cups symbolize:

  • Emotion
  • Abundance
  • Spirit

So does Water, and there is a lot of water in this card.  The Ace, the trump of each suite, always stands for new beginnings, but also the meaning of the suite magnified manyfold.

Wishing you a very loving, peaceful, spiritual Christmas.

(Hanukkah, Yule, Diwali – they are all festivals of light)